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CTF matured technology

    ----- CTF Matured Technology-----

          Photo film seems no longer exist soon, CTF Computer To Film by inkjet printer

        this method will instead definitely. (190512)

  Since 2010’s CTF is booming from rumors that photo film manufacturers will stop

production due to less consumption as well as production cost increasing. Users hesitating to use it by staying and watching the improvement of CTF inkjet film both from black ink side and from film coating side.

  Water based black ink in higher opaque density with less layer because of new development in nanometer technology, while the prima for emulsion coating in order to accept more and better water inks on film is also take advantage of this newly improved nanometer technology.

  Inkjet printers also play an important role in the black film making market. In addition to printers with new generation nozzle head keep on putting market for more detailed prints. Nevertheless users also learn and realize more about inkjet film from their experience in this decade. Now they understand more and more about which printer can get finer details and sharper dot, which nozzle head is durable for longer time use. Which ink will get more black density for them with less and less consumption of ink.

  Under this circumstances, RIP software become a major factor of black film printing. New RIPs with close support from printer manufacturer to magnify the setting for more conditions. RIP soft writers with graphic arts background using their past experience from dark room have also made magnificent contribution to the color separation and for the screen dot reproduction. These guys are also capable to modify the existing inkjet printer to a best degree of precision dot reproduction until 150 lpi and 175 lpi which is now difference with photographic film processed by an image setter. There is absolutely a good news for color label and flexible package printing.

  With every effort of innovation and improvement from black ink / coated film / RIP / printer modifications the film making by the way of inkjet printer is not only booming but also matured with bright future of substation of photographic film completely. Depending on how fine is your job demands, the costs are on your hand.

| 发布时间:2019.05.14    来源:    查看次数: